Thursday 30 May, 2024
Celebrating Dio’s 120th Birthday
Dio celebrated its Birthday this year with a spectacular "Night at the Oscars" Birthday Concert

This year marks a significant milestone for Diocesan as the school celebrates its 120th anniversary. In keeping with tradition, our Year 13 students put on an Oscar-worthy Birthday Concert for the entire school.

The event was a resounding success, thanks to the exceptional efforts of this year’s Birthday Concert Prefect, Sophie England, and her deputies, Pearl Hall and Asher Gyde. Their hard work, coupled with the media support provided by Zara Tucker, resulted in a concert that was both entertaining and memorable.

The concert showcased the immense talent and creativity of our students, with performances ranging from musical numbers to humorous skits, mostly parodying their teachers. The videos, which featured both students and teachers, added a personal touch to the event, making it all the more special.

Thank you to everyone who contributed to making this event a successful celebration of Diocesan’s 120th birthday. Here’s to another 120 years of excellence and tradition at Diocesan!


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