Our world is increasingly connected and complex, changing the way we live, work, learn and play. More so now than ever before, the way we choose to lead and follow can influence the world around us, so preparing our students to be a positive influence in that world is central to everything we do at Dio. Our girls live in a world of media, marketing and multiculturalism so it is important to challenge perceptions and provide opportunities for deeper reflection on what it means to be a leader today.
At each year level, our girls explore different aspects of leadership and learn to apply those lessons in everyday situations. Beyond the School gates, our students take part in specific events and community initiatives such as:
Anyone has the potential to influence others around them, regardless of their talents or abilities.
The Senior School programme is designed to give students the tools they need to become inspiring role models for others. Senior students also have an important role to play in our Buddy and Peer Support Programmes, showing Years 7, 8 and 9 students around the School and walking alongside them as they integrate into a new environment.
In Year 11, we focus on social responsibility and finding the balance between different styles of leadership. Our Year 12 students dig deeper into questions of diversity, specifically in the NZ context with a focus on Tikanga Maori. Year 13 students, as they prepare to go out into future study and work, take on practical leadership lessons including project management, presenting and pitching ideas and learning to motivate others around them.
Schedule a time to meet with a member of our admissions team to discuss your application.
Schedule a time to meet with a member of our admissions team to discuss your application.
Visit us at our next Open Day.