Frequently asked questions

General information
Do you have a prospectus?
Can I view the school online?
Am I able to visit the School and look around?
Why should I choose Dio?

There are many differences that set Dio apart from other schools such as our excellent academic record, our programmes in ethics and leadership which extend across all year levels, co-curricular opportunities and our Anglican character.

Find out what makes the Dio Difference.

Why a girls school?

There are numerous advantages to an all-girls education including better academic performance, greater leadership opportunities and co-curricular options. Take a look at what Principal Heather McRae highlights as the key factors.

How do you rate as a school?

Diocesan has received and consistently receives an excellent ERO review ranking as one of the top achieving schools in NZ. Our exam results also attest to this.

Where do your students end up after Dio?

Dio graduates go on to a variety of careers and study a variety of degrees at universities both in NZ and abroad. We have graduates all over the world in the UK, America and Australia at some of the world’s best universities including Monash University, University of New South Wales, Harvard, Princeton, University of Oxford, University of Cambridge and many more.

For a more extensive list, and details on career guidance offered to students, view our careers page.

Life at Dio
Is there a uniform?

Yes, all students are expected to wear the Dio uniform consisting of a summer, winter and sports wardrobe. Uniform is available to purchase online, or you can view a full list of uniform items and prices.

Will my daughter need a laptop?

This varies by Year level. Our Junior School and Years 7 and 8 students use iPads, while students Year 9 and above use laptops.

What qualifications are available?

Years 1-6 study the Primary Years Programme (PYP) by the International Baccalaureate.

View the Junior School Curriculum

We offer a dual pathway in the Senior school where students can choose to study towards NCEA or International Baccalaureate. A comprehensive option book is provided to girls in Years 9 – 13 to assist with subject choice. Our careers team also provides assistance and guidance with subject choice and career pathways.

View the Senior School Curriculum / View the Junior High School Curriculum

Is there an After School Care programme?

We offer an After School and School Holiday programme for our students in Years 1-6 which offers a variety of fun learning and experimental opportunities. Enquiries and registrations for the programme are managed by the Junior School office and are only available to current students.

How long is the School day?

School for Foundation Class (Pre-school) – Year 6 starts at 8.15am and finishes at 3pm for Foundation class – Year 2 and 3.15pm for Years 3-6. School for Years 7 – 13 starts at 8.30am and finishes at 3.30pm.

Are there public transport options for students?

There are a number of bus routes that give easy access to Diocesan. View our transport options.

Do you offer boarding?

Yes we provide boarding for students in Years 9 – 13. Our boarding house is located adjacent to the School grounds. In addition, we also offer a homestay experience for our international students. For full details on boarding, view our boarding page.

What are your sports opportunities?

We currently offer 33 sporting codes but happily support students chosen sporting activities even if it is not something we currently have on offer. The School has on site an all-weather multipurpose turf and Aquatic Centre which offers a swim school available to students and the general public (by enrolment). For more information, visit our sports page.

What are your performing arts opportunities?

Diocesan has a history of excelling in the arts. We offer a variety of music, dance and drama groups, both as curriculum subjects and as co-curricular options. Private tuition in instruments and voice is also available. View our Performing Arts page for more information.

How can I be a part of your community?

There are many ways to become part of the parent community. The school hosts a number of events during the year, including a cocktail party at the start of the year to welcome new parents. We have groups in our community dedicated to arts and sports as well as a parents and friends group who host a number of events that bring our community together and work with the School on key projects. View the community page.

How can I stay in touch and follow what’s new?

We have a number of channels we use to keep our community up to date with what’s happening. Once a family has accepted a place, parents receive a weekly newsletter and all students and Alumnae receive a copy of our Dio Today magazine which is published three times a year. We also have a Facebook page and news area.

Is there a place I can go for information for new students such as uniform and stationery?

Yes, DioConnect is our online platform for all of this information. Upon accepting a place you will be given a login and password to be able to access this.  Check out the section on New Parent Information.

What are your term dates?

A list of term dates can be found here.

Enrol & apply
How do I apply for my daughter?

Applications for new enrolments are made by applying online on our website. We generally ask for enrolments at least two years out, but we still accept applications throughout the year for all year levels subject to availability. The enrolment process begins around 18 months out from starting. Closing dates will be published on our website. Our admissions process page guides you through this process step by step.

What are your payment options?

Accounts are paid by direct debit. Unfortunately Credit cards and EFTPOS are not available for the payment of fees.

Other payment options include 10 monthly equal payments by automatic payment starting February and finishing November or a lump sum at the beginning of each year.

What information will I need to submit with my application?

Please provide with your application a copy of your daughter’s NZ birth certificate or current passport and visa, along with a recent photo and her latest school report. If your daughter has any educational assessments e.g. Educational Psychologist, Occupational Therapist, SPELD, Auditory Processing, please upload these too. When we review her application we will be back in touch with you to request further information depending on the year level you are applying for.

When are intakes?

Our main intake years are Preschool, Year 1, Year 4, Year 7, Year 9 and Year 11. However, we can accept students throughout the year for all Year levels based on availability.

Is there a waitlist?

Waitlists exist for various Year levels so we do recommend applying as early as possible.

What year levels does Dio cater for?

We cater for girls from Pre-School from age 3 to Year 13.

What are your fees?

A full list of our current fees can be found on our fees page.

Do you offer boarding?

Yes we provide boarding for students in Years 7 – 13. Our boarding house is located adjacent to the School grounds. In addition, we also offer a homestay experience for our international students. For full details on boarding, view our boarding page.

Do you offer scholarships and bursaries?

We offer a limited number of Sports and Music scholarships for outstanding applicants as well as Alumnae bursaries each year. View our Scholarships page for details.

Does my daughter have to be Anglican?

We are accepting of all faiths but are Anglican in expression. No student is required to be Anglican. While at Dio, as an Anglican school, your daughter will attend Chapel services during the year and participate in religious education classes as part of our curriculum. Students are also expected to attend two chapel services on a Sunday each year, one with their house and one with their Year group.

Do you accept International students?

Yes we do. We value the diversity that international students bring to our school community. For all information relating to International students and applications, please visit the International page.

Working at Dio
What is your recruitment and selection policy?

All vacancies are first advertised internally to current staff members and then externally through appropriate media as necessary. Teaching vacancies are advertised in the Education Gazette published by the Ministry of Education. You can also find our current vacancies here

How do I apply for a position?

Candidates should complete an application form and submit a detailed curriculum vitae with a covering letter. To prepare our shortlist, we will evaluate the information you provide alongside the position specification and criteria.

If you are selected for a position, we would then ask you to complete a police check and provide copies of your qualification certificates, residence visa and drivers licence.

What is your interview process?

Candidates who are shortlisted are invited to attend an interview at the school. Interviews are conducted by a panel of two or more staff members. Candidates are told who is on the panel when interview arrangements are made. A second interview may be required for final selection.

The selection process seeks to match candidates’ skills and knowledge with the job criteria and also looks at their fit with the culture of the school. This is achieved through a three stage process:

  • application review and shortlisting
  • reference checking
  • interview and skills testing (if appropriate)

The school also validates the current standing of applicants for teaching roles with the New Zealand Teachers Council.

Senior faculty staff participate in the selection of all teaching staff; and senior managers are involved in all other appointments. The board of governors is also involved when recruiting senior appointments.

Do you do reference checks?

We ask applicants to nominate three referees the school can contact as part of the selection process. We expect candidates for teaching roles to include their current principal as one of their referees.

When will I know the outcome of my application?

We will notify you as soon as possible of the outcome of your application. If you are shortlisted for an interview we will contact you by phone. Unsuccessful applicants will be notified by letter or email.

Can’t find the answer you’re looking for?

Our admissions team will be able to help you with your question.

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Schedule a time to meet with a member of our admissions team to discuss your application.

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Schedule a time to meet with a member of our admissions team to discuss your application.

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Visit us at our next Open Day.