Our community

our community hero
our community hero

For more than 100 years a wonderful sense of community has flourished at Diocesan School for Girls. Today’s community is sustained by the girls themselves, the families, staff, alumnae, past parents, and grandparents. Active roles are carried out by the Parents and Friends of Dio, Diocesan School Old Girls’ League, Diocesan Heritage Foundation, Innes House Trust and various parent support groups. We encourage you to support these groups and with them, make a contribution to ensure our girls will continue to be more than they ever imagined.

angela coe
angela coe
Angela Coe - Director of Development

Angela is an Old Girl, past parent and past Board Chairman at Diocesan, she relishes the opportunity to give back to her school by supporting the philanthropic and community activities at the School. Angela is a member of the School Executive team, she liaises with the Diocesan Heritage Foundation, oversees the Diocesan Community groups and works closely with our corporate partners. Angela enjoys the day to day connection with past and current parents and Old Girls, many of whom she has got to know well during her many years involved at the School.

Please contact Angela on: [email protected]
+64 9 5209378 | +64 21 730037

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